Monday, May 24, 2010

Health Benefits of Red Wine - Dr. Oz Says So!!!!!

Today when I was at the gym and on the treadmill I got the chance to tune into the Dr. Oz show. I'm hooked on Dr. Oz which is an oxymoron because he's always talking about calorie reduction and I'm also seriously addicted to the Food Network! Anyway, today on Dr. Oz's talk show he confirmed something that I've known for years. Drinking red wine (and the darker the better for you and your skin) actually keeps you young! Its so rich in antioxidants and red wine reduces cholesterol levels and allows you to wash the plaque out of your arteries. And since red wine is good for your arteries, it also helps bring more oxygen to your skin. Drink one glass of red wine a day if you are a woman (and not pregnant) and drink two glasses of red wine a day if you are a man. If you cannot drink red wine, Dr Oz suggested eating blueberries, dark chocolate and pomegranate. He also said that contrary to popular belief (and the belief of my trainer) grape juice is not a suitable substitute for red wine, because red wine has the seeds and skin that is so necessary for health benefits and grape juice doesn't.

As if I needed it, another reason to drink wine on a very regular basis! WOO HOO!!!!

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