Monday, June 14, 2010

Flag Day!!!!

Ok so I'm a NYC girl, so until this year I never even heard of Flag Day. In the city we don't exactly stop 5th avenue for a Flag Day parade...Puerto Rican Day parade? Without question, but Flag Day? Well we moved to Jefferson last Friday for the summer and went to the bar in a nearby town Stamford and all of the locals were very hyped up about the Flag Day parade. Naively I asked, "what the heck is flag day?" (I thought it was a day that the town made up), but low and behold, Flag day is celebrated throughout the nation, and in Pennsylvania it's actually a state holiday. In Stamford they close Main Street for an hour and all of the local towns (and school bands) participate in a parade (think a very pared down Thanksgiving Day parade minus the balloons, celebrities and crowds). We had a great time, and the best part was sitting out and having a Matanzas Creek Chardonnay at Fred's Restaurant in Stamford (sister restaurant to the one on 84th and Amsterdam) with shrimp cocktail and clams casino. This was a true salute to the start of summer! I'm so looking forward to the season.

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