Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Connection Between Health Care Reform, Supporting Local Farms, and Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

With the passage of sweeping healthcare reform I can’t help but take a minute to think about what “preventive measures” I can take with regards to my overall health, and going a step further how in “reforming” healthcare maybe attention should be given to the easy and logical way to preventing so many of the illnesses that the reformers are trying to ensure that we get coverage for. In watching Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution I’m so glad that the fact that America has as serious problem regarding food choices has finally hit prime time! American’s are accustomed to being in “fix it” mode…the reason why healthcare is so important (regardless of which side of the debate you are on) is partially because we don’t take responsibility for how to “prevent” what needs fixing. If you look at the causes of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure etc…so much of it can be traced to bad food choices and a lack of exercise. But sometimes I wonder if the reason why so many Americans make such bad food choices is because Americans don’t embrace the concept of “buying local”. When a vegetable or fruit is bruised, or wilted, or tasteless you will not want to eat it regardless of how much it’s touted for having vitamins, nutrients and antioxidents. Farm produce really does taste different, it’s not just better and fresher, but often the taste itself is very different from what can be purchased in a local supermarket. For 8 months of the year we really can get local produce. I encourage you to go to your local farmers market if you can’t get directly to the farm. NYC and the surrounding suburbs are full of farmers markets. It’s incredible to think of how much we as a nation can save if we don’t have to run to the ER or the clinic or doctor for ways to “fix” the problems that can be solved so easily by eating properly. I advocate that the first step in reform is in education about making changes in the way we view food and how it relates to our health. Support your health and the economy of your community by buying your food locally whenever possible.

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